Old memories: Orile Ilugun Comprehensive High School Old Students '01 set re-united after eighteen years

The 2001 set of Orile Ilugun Comprehensive High School Old Students Association met today at Fajol in Hotel in Abeokuta after eighteen years of graduating from Orile Ilugun Comprehensive High School.

Mrs. Seun Oludiya who is the Deputy President while welcoming the old students said:

The school was founded in year 1979 and located in Orile-Ilugun from where the name was coined with the Moto: Education is light. And indeed education has been light to the town- Orile-Ilugun and its environs. The school has undergone so many tremendous transformation since inception ranging from number of buildings in the school to number of teachers in the school handling various subjects. 
Having finished from the school about eighteen (18) years ago  2001 to be precise, the set deemed it necessary to come together and give back to the school and teachers that made us who are today.
The idea of coming together to form an Old Student Association (2001 SET) was concieved about two (2) months ago and the idea was immediately worked upon through concerted effort of contacting all the student of 2001 set through various social media we have today. Since then, several virtual meetings had been held on the platform created on WhatsApp (OICHS LIKEMINDS). It was from one of the meeting held on the platform that we decided to have a physical meeting which is what we are witnessing today being the 29th day of June, 2019 at Fajol Hotels.
Having a handful number of representation today being the maiden physical meeting shows that the future is bright and promising for the association. Let's keep the fire burning and lend a hand of support to the upcoming generation of O.I.C.H.S.
The Lord in His infinite mercy shall see us all through our various endeavour and continually bless us all to be able to do more for our Alma Mater.
Long live Nigeria!
Long live Ogun State!!
Long live O.I.C.H.S!!!"

OICHSOSA  (Orile Ilugun Comprehensive High School Old Students Association)  '01 set's maiden physical reunion were attended by old students who mostly have never seen each other physically for the past eighteen years. 

Old memories of how things  were done during their days in school (positive and negative) were shared by the Old Students Association members present.

The reasons why the reunion was organised were stated and delibrated on to chart the way forward, the reasons include:

i. Networking among members

ii. Projects for the school (long term and short term)

iii. Liasing with the general old students Association of Orile Ilugun Comprehensive High School.

At the end of the reunion, reunion cake was cut and  gifts were shared to show love and affection for the 2001 set Orile Ilugun Comprehensive High School Old Students Association.

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