Former Governor Boni Haruna commends Nigerian Army’s gallant response to Boko Haram attacks in Michika

Former Governor of Adamawa State, Boni Haruna has hailed the effort of the Nigerian Army as well other security agencies over their prompt and gallant response to Boko Haram attacks in his community, Michika.

Members of the Boko Haram insurgents on Monday attacked Michika town, the headquarters of  Michika Local Government Area of Adamawa State barely few days to the supplementary election, but the Nigerian Army in a gallant response quelled the uprising by neutralizing the terrorists who came in their numbers

Mr Haruna in a statement signed personally by him said;

“It is quite worrisome for Michika to once again experience such attack when the people had almost settled to rebuild their lives after the 2014 invasion  during which  the area and indeed the entire Northern part of the state was overran by the insurgents.

“I take this opportunity to condole with the people, particularly the families of those who lost their beloved ones most of whom were hit by stray bullets in the course of running for their dear lives. I pray for the quick recovery of the injured ones and for the restoration of the losses that have been incurred.

“In the midst of this tragic event and the pains and agonies that come with it, I urge all our people to remain calm and steadfast. This sad moment shall also pass as we look into the future with hope and determination.” he added.

Full Statement

I wish to most profoundly commend the Nigerian army and other security agencies for the their prompt and gallant response to the attack in Michika, my community yesterday by suspected  Boko Haram insurgents.

It would be recalled that Michika came under intense attack yesterday night 18th, March, 2019 which lasted  for hours during which the Nigerian army gallantly and professionally  engaged the insurgents in a deadly gun battle, for which we are most grateful.

It is quite worrisome for Michika to once again experience such attack when the people had almost settled to rebuild their lives after the 2014 invasion  during which  the area and indeed the entire Northern part of the state was overran by the insurgents.

I take this opportunity to condole with the people, particularly the families of those who lost their beloved ones most of whom were hit by stray bullets in the course of running for their dear lives. I pray for the quick recovery of the injured ones and for the restoration of the losses that have been incurred.

In the midst of this tragic event and the pains and agonies that come with it, I urge all our people to remain calm and steadfast. This sad moment shall  also pass as we look into the future with hope and determination.

In  keeping with the spirit of steadfastness,  we must not lose sight of our civic duties and responsibilities as we keep a date  with the March 23rd, 2019 forthcoming  supplementary election in  4 or 6 Polling Units in  Michika and other 13 Local Government Areas across the state.

We must be part of making history  towards ushering in a purposeful and focused leadership that will fast track the full return to nomalcy of life for our people through the rebuilding of our destroyed houses, schools and infrastructure. It is doable. Yes! it is with the correct leadership.


Boni Haruna

Michika is one of the populated towns in the state where some wards in the community were declared inconclusive during the March 9 the gubernatorial election and marked for a re-run on Saturday 23rd March 2019.

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