DSC_3182It was a moment to savor days ago when founder and General Overseer
of one of the fastest growing Ministry in Africa, Radiant Army
Deliverance Ministry International also known as House of Answered
Prayers Home of the Immortals, in Calvary Close, Aguda Ogba, by County
Bus stop, Lagos celebrated his 40th birthday.

The one-week event
which started on Wednesday July 1, 2015 and tagged "Destiny Encounter
2015" with the theme, "Next Level" had wonderful ministers of God in
attendance to bless the children of God for one whole week.

event which also marked the Papa's Day Special (July 4, a day set aside
to mark the birthday of the man of God) also had a Prophetic Night Of
Wonders and a Special Anointing Service to cap it all.

Prophet Tony Aniekwu and his wife Loriah, Evangelist David Elijah, the
guest speaker, Bishop David King, the guest minister and other anointed
men of God from all over the world where also in attendance.

gospel artistes, Yinka Ayefele, and Sister Chinyere Udoma were on stage
to for an unforgettable moments of singspiration.

a pink and light green attires which was also used to decorate the
entire church auditorium, there was a lot to eat, drink and rejoice
about during the one week long event.

Born on July 3, 1969 into
the family off late Mr. Pius and Mrs. Mercy Aniekwu in Aguobuowa, Eziagu
local Government Area of Enugu State, Prophet Tony Aniekwu an end-time
minister of God, a prophet, a warrior of the saints, an evangelist and a
seasoned man of God grew up in a Christian family under the tutelage of
his God fearing parents.

After graduation, Prophet Anthony
received a great message of deliverance calling from God. He then
pursued this calling, he bagged Bachelor of Technology (B.Th) degree
from Apostolic Ministry Training University, Glory Word, Kuala Lumpuk,
Malaysia in 2008 to learn more about the ministry.

A distinctive
and distinguished Prophetic and deliverance Minister, his church,
Radiant Army, has a vision of raising a new generation of champions for
whom nothing shall be impossible started as a vision given to him by God
Himself and since then they have been sailing through different storms
and challenges.

The vision which started 10 years ago in a small
room today has a cathedral that sits on almost one acre of land in the
heart of Lagos Mainland. Although, the journey have been demanding and
glorious as well with so many breakthrough testimonies and wonders of
God at work but have been a constant focal point of rumor mongers,
pressures and criticisms from within and outside the ministry all
because of his achievements within such a short period of time and from
those who do not believe the kind of message God has instructed him to
deliver but God has constantly fought the battle Himself.

Anthony operates in four different capacities as a Pastor, Prophet,
Evangelist and Teacher. He has won several awards within and outside the
shores of Nigerian. He was nominated an Ambassador of Peace by the
Federal Government of Nigeria, Ambassador For Peace (The Interreligious
and International Federation for World Peace, Development In Nigeria
Merit Award, DINMA, Honorary Doctor of Divinity (DD) by Pan African
Clergy And Bible Seminary (PACC) and also nominated a major of
Chaplaincy of the Christian Penticostal Fellowship of Nigeria among many

Author of many books among which are; Prophetic Release
and Revelation Prayer that changes Destiny, God of the Prophets, Success
in Marriage, Advancing through adversities, Zero to Hero and Prayer our
greatest weapons.

to prophetess Loriah Anthony Aniekwu who is also spiritually sounded
and fire brand, Prophet Anthony was blessed with four boys; David,
Raymond, Richmond and prciuos and a girl; Tonia, who are all good
products of a responsible and progressive parent.

During the
one-week long event, Prophet Anthony had a chat with us in his office on
Saturday July 4, 2015 where he spoke about his greatest joys and his
wish as he marks a milestone in his life and ministry. Enjoy it...

How do you feel today?

feel great because I believed every man would feel great celebrating
his birthday. Even the Bible says a man who numbers his years is wise
so, wisdom helps us to number our years and with this I feels great and

What are you most grateful to God for?

I'm grateful for the journey so far. I'm also thanking him for the
storms of life He has led me through. Remember it's not willeth nor of
him that runeth but God that showeth mercy. For the mercy of God that
saw me till today and that's why we are celebrating. You know they say
life begins at forty so I'm just grateful to God for His mercies upon my

What were those lessons of life that you've learnt at 40?

to everything I see. I've learnt to be humble. I've equally learnt to
lean on God, trusting Him in times of difficulties because I've seen
both the good, the bad and the ugly and I've learnt so many lessons as
well. And don't forget that life doesn't give you what you deserve but
it would give you what you demands for. So, it's what you demands that
life gives you so if you are not careful, life may give you what you
never expected to get and from there you learnt. So, I've learnt and I
thank God I've come this far.

What has been the challenges so far in your over 10 years of ministry? 

in life has to do with men. When God commissions you to do His works He
said beware of men so, you meet people who you think should be a plus
to your life and at the end of the day the end up making you feel
disappointed so, I feel the greatest challenge I've ever faced in life
is men and for God to have commissioned such a big ministry in my hands
I'm sure I've come a long way to learn how to follow men so, that's one
of my greatest challenge and I just have to manage it.

What do you consider as you most priced possession at this point in life?

Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

are one of the most prominent young deliverance minister in Africa
presently, what are some of your achievements as you clocked 40?

The best has been winning souls for Christ. I've been able to count my
blessings and naming them one-by-one but, the greatest price is the
grace God has given me to be able to solve people's problems. I'm a
vessel of honour in the hands of God so, one of the greatest things I
think I've been able to do is winning souls for Christ and I'm happy the
souls God used me to win have equally been a blessing o this

Finally, what are you wish at 40?

wish at 40 is to continue to grow and not to end my ministry because
life begins at 40. So, I pray to grow spiritually, grow mentally, grow
financially and grow in all capacity. That's my greatest wish, growth in
all ramifications.

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